Post History
Whatever goes here, goes not there, grammar the man said. I really don't, no never! { width=20%,height:20px } Wait, again? Come on, make us something better than this! It better work this t...
#2: Post edited
- Whatever goes here, goes not there, grammar the man said.
- [![This is some alternative candy](](
- I really don't, no never!
- ![This is some alternative candy]({ width=20%,height:20px }
Wait, again? Come on, make us something better than this!
- Whatever goes here, goes not there, grammar the man said.
- [![This is some alternative candy](](
- I really don't, no never!
- ![This is some alternative candy]({ width=20%,height:20px }
- Wait, again? Come on, make us something better than this!
- ---
- It better work this time...
- <img src="" alt="Alternative music?" title="Yes, I did it" height="25px" style="border:10px blue;"/>
- ...RIGHT?
#1: Initial revision
Markdown image formatting test
Whatever goes here, goes not there, grammar the man said. [![This is some alternative candy](]( I really don't, no never! ![This is some alternative candy]({ width=20%,height:20px } Wait, again? Come on, make us something better than this!