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Yes, that's true! All you have to write is: <a class="badge is-tag">something</a> Which will give you something. CoNsIdEr LiKiNg ThE vIdEo AnD sUbScRiBe!!1!1! Actually, I do have a...
#1: Initial revision
DiD yOu KnOw ThAt YoU cAn MaKe TaGs?!????!
Yes, that's true! All you have to write is: ``` <a class="badge is-tag">something</a> ``` Which will give you <a class="badge is-tag">something</a>. CoNsIdEr LiKiNg ThE vIdEo AnD sUbScRiBe!!1!1! <sup>Actually, I do have a YouTube channel, with the first video out. [Check it out if you want]( This post is to just show how to make tags, not for shitpost content.</sup>